Portfolio Education Services


Not many of us would have realized the importance of maintaining a well-balanced Portfolio before this Covid-19 impact came up.

Most of us had many wrong notions about our Portfolios and am sure we all must have realized various Points now, some of which have been written below:

  • We always looked at our returns on Stocks and Mutual Funds only. But we never paid any attention to Our Overall Larger Portfolio comprising of many other Investment classes such as Real Estates, Gold/Jewellery, Bonds, ULIPs, Savings/FDs with Banks, Conventional Insurance Products etc.
  • Even within the Portfolio of Equities or Mutual Funds only, we must have now realized that whatever balanced Portfolios of Equities or Mutual Funds were claimed by many Fund Managers/Brokers/Relationship Managers, are not really balanced enough. In fact, they all just made commissions & brokerages.
  • In fact, you must not have realised but most of the times our Fund Managers/Relationship Managers/Brokers were not sharing with us the actual return earned on our Investments of Equities/Mutual Funds but had been sharing a disguised return with * attached to it and we never had time/knowledge to look into the same.
  • We must have also realized that a well-balanced Portfolio should have more of Liquid investments and less of Illiquid investments so that if required, we could easily liquidate them and sit on Cash. This is because in the times of distress Cash is the King. But obvious, a liquid Portfolio should always have a blend of Short Term Liquid & Long Term Liquid Portfolio which should be watched dynamically. Additionally if someone has Longer term Portfolio, one must ensure that it should be Riskfree or maybe Low on Standard Deviation. One should always review dynamically the Overall Portfolio at regular intervals based on the assessment of the mood of the Economies.

Realities Which Everyone Should Know

Most of us had many wrong notions about our Portfolios and am sure we all must have realized various Points now, some of which have been written below:
In the name of Portfolio Management, most of the Companies/Consultants/ Financial Advisors/by whatever name called are ideally Brokers who earn commissions & brokerages and hence do not really bother for the Investors.
Even most of the Financial Advisors or Financial Planners or PMS service providers are disguised Brokers having their interest in brokerages & commissions but not in Investors returns.
Most of Such Brokers & Relationship Managers are not technically sound or adequately educated but only possess great marketing skills.
They either want us to do Stock trading so that they can earn brokerages or want us to keep investing for a longer period of times through SIPs so that they can earn trail commissions without actually bothering about properly educating us.
They actually do not educate us on what exposure should we take and most of the Investors are not educated enough to understand the loopholes and mis-sellings. They are more interested in pitching their products under the name of Financial Planning.

Subscription Options


For those who wish to avail build their Portfolios and to Earn while Learning

Rs 5100


For those who wish to avail 2-WAY DIRECT INTERACTIVE services for all Asset classes

Rs 12000

Merits of Our Portfolio Education Services

We do not have any brokerage interests from anyone. We rather charge Educational service fees.

We educate on overall Portfolio Building comprising of various Asset classes through Technical Parameters

We possess great Technical Education and unparallel Corporate experience/exposure/expertise.
We believe in imparting Portfolio Education and handholding everyone associated with us in building their Portfolios as we manage our own.

We understand the paucity of time so we educate through Weekly Interactive Webinars, short Audios, Images & Messages instead of lengthy Articles.

The most important part is that Education is shared through Audios which you can listen to, anytime in both Hindi & English languages.
Note: This is not Advisory or Broking services. This is an Educational Initiative to handhold the Investors to gain knowledge and develop their own Portfolios!!

Mode of Delivery

✓ 99% in Audios in simple layman language both in Hindi & English

✓ 1% in Messages, Images, and Videos

**To review and educate upon your existing Portfolio, at least QUARTERLY subscription is must!!

*Educational Updates over Messages/ Audios/ Videos includes:

  • International Financial Markets updates (Including US, Japan, China, Europe & UK).
  • Effects of International Financial Markets over Indian Financial Markets & Indian Financial Markets Updates.
  • Effects of Indian & International Financial Markets upon Various Financial Instruments including Equity, Indices, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Gold, Oil and major Currencies.
  • Industry wise updates (Like Real Estate, Automobile, Manufacturing etc).
  • Company updates which are in news (Indian & International).
  • Career paths related insights for Students, Professionals and Business Owners.
  • Educating on the possible effects upon our Portfolios due to International & Indian Financial Markets events and best way to manage them.

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